Ozren Outdoor

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Banjaluka - adventures on Vrbas River (Vrbas Adventure Resort)

Vrbas Adventure Resort is the destination that is located at the beginning of southern part of Banja Luka city. It includes midstream of Vrbas River, between Banja Luka, Jajce and mountain Manjača and extends on 800 km2.

Banja Kuka City's Assembly passed the Declaration on the development of adventurous and eco-tourism, in this area, to facilitate the development of small and medium sized enterprises. Vrbas Adventure Resort. Vrbas Adventure Resort was the host of the European Cup 2005 and the World Rafting Championships in 2009. The Championships was organised thanks to the enthusiasm of the technical organiser - Rafting Club "Kanjon" from Banja Luka. More than 40 national teams participated in this championship with the record number of 25 female teams. The competition was organised on the ruvers Vrbas and Tara, in the rafting events; sprint, head to head, downriver and slalom, from 17th to 24th of May.



This page is dedicated to all of you nature lovers, but above all to the potential tourists, with the aim to present experiences and adventures, friendship and emotions, natural beauties and hospitality of the people in Ozren Mountain, near Doboj. Attractive offers for your stay on this mountain, prices or any other information you can get in four languages: English, Italian (coming soon), German (coming soon) and Serbian. Feel free to contact us!

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Ethno group "Iva" video

Ozren paragliding video

Ozren summer time

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Marketing concept and page updates are done by the Marketing agency »TrioS consulting«, Doboj. Attractive offers for stay in this mountain, prices or any other information you can get in four languages: English, Italian, German, Serbian. Contact us!

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"TrioS konsalting"
Doboj, Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 66 910 411
+387 63 810 464